Logo Design

Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign
Logo Design

Elisa Gelato

The Logo is a combination mark for the Elisa Gelato logo. The logomark itself alludes to “Torre degli Asinelli”, the most famous towers in Bologna.

The logotype combines the modern with the traditional using two opposite fonts, maintaining elegance and innovation together, pillars of the values of Elisa Gelato.


Personal Logo and Business card developed for a Professional Painter, Sandra Bussoli



Personal Project developed for Why Not Teens, a No Profit Association based in Miami, FL, USA.

Why Not Teens is a youth lead organization focus on helping people in need by provided resources they lack.

The logo was created for a project whose aim was to obtain funds to en- sure better health for the women of Guatemala. In Italian, the word “Donna” means “Woman”.

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